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* 1. How old was your cat when they had their first (or only) episode of urinary obstruction?

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* 2. Were you aware of the possibility for this emergency to happen to your cat before the first episode of it occurred?

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* 3. What was the outcome of your cat's first episode of urethral obstruction?

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* 4. How many times has your cat suffered a urethral obstruction?

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* 5. What type of food was your cat eating at the time of their first urethral obstruction?

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* 6. Roughly how much did your cat weight at the time of their first urethral obstruction?

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* 7. Please indicate the number of litter boxes you had at the time of your cat's first urethral obstruction, as well as the number of cats you had at that time

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* 8. How many of those litter boxes are COVERED?

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* 9. How often were you scooping/cleaning your cat's litter box(es) at the time of their first urethral obstruction?

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* 10. Were any of the following events happening shortly prior to or at the time of any of your cat's episodes of urethral obstruction? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. Roughly how much money (total) have you spent in having your cat's episode(s) of urethral obstruction treated?

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* 12. If your veterinarian recommended a food/feeding change following your cat's urethral obstruction event, which changes were recommended? (please indicate all that apply)

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* 13. Which litter box changes were recommended by your veterinarian following your cat's urethral obstruction event? (Please indicate all that apply)

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* 14. Please share your...

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* 15. Please provide any additional information that you'd like to share about your experience with feline urethral obstruction.

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* 16. May I contact you for further information about your cat's urethral obstruction episode(s) if necessary? If so, please provide your name and email address below.

Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback and for sharing your experience, both of which will help to decrease the frequency of this horrible condition.

If you've not already done so, please read our series on feline urethral obstruction. We cover everything, from awareness and preparedness to prevention. You can find it here:

You can also sign up for our newsletter and find out about upcoming events here:

Again, thank you so much for taking this survey. We wish you and your pets all the best.

The Preventive Vet Team