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* 1. How likely are you to recommend the Transform Your Wokrplace podcast to a friend or colleague?

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* 2. Please rate the quality:

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Great
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Interesting Topics

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* 3. What is your favorite type of episode? (select all that apply)

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* 4. What is your preference as it relates to length of the podcast?

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* 5. Please share any additional feedback about the podcast below including length, guests, topics, format, etc. that would keep you listening to the Transform Your Workplace podcast

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* 6. What is your job function?

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* 7. How many employees work at your company?

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* 8. How do you listen to the HR for Small Business podcast?

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* 9. Email Address (Optional if you want to be included in a monthly drawing for a free book)

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