Question Title

1. What types of hazards concern you the most? (rate each hazard)

  Not Concerned Somewhat Concerned Concerned Very Concerned Extremely Concerned
Levee Failure
Landslides/Mudslides/Debris Flow
Energy Emergency
Dam Failure
Epidemic/Pandemic/Vector Borne Disease
Hazardous Material and Oil Spills
Agricultural Hazard
Terrorism/Cyber Terrorism
Civil Disturbance
Extreme Heat
Severe Winter Storms/High Winds

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2. How prepared are you for disasters?

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3. What have you done to prepare for an emergency? (Check all that apply)

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4. Who provides you information for emergency preparedness? (Check all that apply)

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5. Which of these emergency preparedness information sources are useful to you? (Check all that apply)

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6. What should local governments do in order to reduce damages and disruptions from hazards? Please rank each option as low, medium or high priority.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Strengthen codes and regulations to include higher regulatory standards in hazard areas.
Improve and harden infrastructure (e.g. roads and bridges, flood control systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, and power distribution systems).
Acquire vulnerable properties and maintain as open spaces.
Provide better information about hazards within the County, and their risks.
Restore natural environments to lessen the impacts of hazardous events.
Implement projects that lessen the potential impacts of climate change.
Educate owners of vulnerable properties about programs that provide money for reducing hazards.

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7. Please rate the importance of hazard-reducing actions or activities:

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Extremely Important
Prevention activities that determines how land is developed and how buildings are constructed (e.g. planning, zoning and building codes).
Property protection actions such as acquisition, relocation, elevation and retrofitting.
Structural projects such as detention/retention basins retaining walls and storm sewers, that will reduce the impacts of hazards.
Emergency services actions that protect people and property during an emergency (e.g. warning systems, evacuation planning emergency response training and protection of critical emergency facilities and systems).
Public education to inform citizens about hazards, and what they can do to protect themselves and their property (e.g. outreach projects, CERT, school based programs, and public events or campaigns).

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8. Do you agree or disagree that it is the responsibility of government (local, state and federal) to provide education and design programs for citizens in order to reduce the risks from hazards?

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Check one

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9. Do you agree or disagree that it is your personal responsibility to be educated about risks from hazards, and to take personal action in order to reduce your risk?

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Check one

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10. Do you or anyone in your household have disabilities and / or access and functional needs that require early warning notification or specialized response to evacuate during disasters?

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11. Where do you live and/or work? Please check all that apply.