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Traffic Calming Options

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Option. 1: Chicanes
Chicanes are a series of alternating mid-block curb extensions to narrow a roadway requiring vehicles to make a curving, S-shaped path discouraging speeding. The speed can be reduced from 3-9mph.
The image below shows the approximate placement of the chicanes on 13th Street.

Option. 1: Chicanes Chicanes are a series of alternating mid-block curb extensions to narrow a roadway requiring vehicles to make a curving, S-shaped path discouraging speeding. The speed can be reduced from 3-9mph. The image below shows the approximate placement of the chicanes on 13th Street.

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Option 2: Traffic Circles- Circular intersection where traffic flows in one direction around a central island. Spees can be reduced by 5 mph. The image below shows the potential location of the traffic circle at the intersection of 13th and Avenue R

Option 2: Traffic Circles- Circular intersection where traffic flows in one direction around a central island. Spees can be reduced by 5 mph. The image below shows the potential location of the traffic circle at the intersection of 13th and Avenue R

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Option 3: Partial Road Closure
The closure would force commercial truck traffic to avoid 13th Street. With this option, speed can be reduced from 3-9 mph. In the image below, Westbound Traffic would not have access to drive through 13th Street.

Option 3: Partial Road Closure The closure would force commercial truck traffic to avoid 13th Street. With this option, speed can be reduced from 3-9 mph. In the image below, Westbound Traffic would not have access to drive through 13th Street.
Your Selections 
Directions: Use the questions below to select your 1st and 2nd traffic calming choice.

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* Please select your first option

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* Please select your second option