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As part of our effort to better understand how well Stack Overflow is serving the coding peoples of planet earth we kindly ask that you tell us a little about yourself and how the site works for you.

Please fill out the form below. And if you think you've got more to say, (or if you just want to earn some swag) please opt-in to a follow-up interview (a 30-minute call, Google Hangout or Skype) with a few of us here at Stack Overflow. We want to hear how you use the site (even if you only occasionally read answers) so we can focus on building the most helpful site for programmers on the Internet. Your input is greatly appreciated.

You'll earn some Stack Overflow swag or a $30 (or equivalent) gift card if you're selected for an interview with us.

Everyone is invited to chime in - even if you don't have an account. We will never make your personal information public or sell it to a third party. Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* How old are you?

Question Title

* What is your gender?

Question Title

* Can we contact you by email to schedule a user research interview? If yes, please include your:

Note: if you opt-in and we select you for an interview, we'll treat you to swag or a gift card (your choice) as a token of our appreciation.

Question Title

* Which of the following best describes you? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* How would you best describe the industry you currently work in?

Question Title

* How many years of IT / programming experience do you have?

Question Title

* How frequently do you read Stack Overflow questions or answers?

Question Title

* Do you have a Stack Overflow account? If yes, please provide a link to your user profile:

To find your account URL, please visit your Stack Overflow profile page, login if prompted, and once you see your profile page, copy the URL.

If that doesn't work, please visit, log in and click your profile picture in the top bar, copy the URL, and paste above.

Question Title

* How familiar are you with Stack Overflow Careers? Select all that apply.

Almost done! If you've got a moment, please complete these last few questions. Be brutally honest!

Question Title

* How likely is it that you would recommend to a friend or colleague...

  Not at all likely (0) 1 2 3 4 Neutral (5) 6 7 8 9 Extremely likely (10)
Using Stack Overflow to get answers to questions
Asking questions on Stack Overflow
Answering questions on Stack Overflow
Using Stack Overflow Careers to find a new job
That's it! Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us a little about yourself. We hope you've opted into a user interview so we can learn more from you. We are committed to making Stack Overflow the best place on the Internet for programmers to learn, share knowledge and find a better job.

If you opted in for an interview, you'll hear from us within a couple weeks.

Until then, keep coding!