Every year, TACA - The Arts Community Alliance - engages more than 60 artists, arts managers, community engagement professionals, and community leaders as volunteers for our various grant programs. 

TACA is looking for avid arts consumers to volunteer as nominators for TACA's Pop-Up Grant program. As a nominator, you'd be expected to 1) attend/view arts programs and events by Dallas arts organizations and then 2) nominate these programs if you believe they fit TACA's criteria of creativity and innovation, artistic merit, and access and inclusion. Nominations would be collected on a bi-monthly basis and grantees would be determined from the pool of nominations by a Selection Committee.

Please see our website for more information on the Pop-Up Grant Program and previous recipients: https://taca-arts.org/our-programs/grant-programs/pop-up-grants/.

If you are interested in volunteering as a Pop-Up Grant nominator, please complete the form below. If you are selected to volunteer as a nominator, you will be contacted by a TACA staff member via email.

Please note: Submitting your information does not guarantee that you will be selected as a nominator. TACA works hard to balance the composition of nominators by artistic discipline/interests, race/ethnicity, arts experience, gender expression, and geographic location. While we want participants from all disciplines, at this moment we are particularly looking for nominators with strong interest or expertise in the visual and literary arts. If you are not selected, we will keep your interest form as you could be considered as needs change. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What is your race/ethnicity?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your gender expression?

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* 5. What is your background in the arts? Please note: A professional background as an artist is not required to be selected as a nominator.

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* 6. If applicable, what is your profession and place of work?

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* 7. If applicable, do you have a conflict of interest with any arts organizations in Dallas? If so, please list the organizations below. A conflict of interest exists if you have an affiliated relationship (e.g. staff, board member, paid contractor, spouse, etc.) or economic relationship (e.g. engaged in a contractual relationship or partnership) with an organization.

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* 8. Have you volunteered with TACA in the past?

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* 9. Did someone refer you to TACA? If yes, who?