Outreach to Church Reformers           

Following phase one of the synodal process, the Document for the Continental Stage is expected to be published in late October 2022. It appears encouraging that out of a possible 114 responses from Bishops Conferences, 103 were received along with thousands of reports from other ecclesial groups. But it is even more encouraging that the Synod office has reported that “All continental assemblies should be ecclesial assemblies (of the whole people of God) and not just episcopal assemblies (bishops only).  Therefore, the participants should adequately represent the variety of the People of God: bishops, priests, deacons, men and women religious, laity and laity.” As part of our research at Catholic Church Reform Int'l (CCRI) to jointly explore how to ensure that a balanced representation of the People of God is invited to participate in this phase, we are reaching out to reform leaders, reform organizations, and reform-minded individuals to determine the best next steps in this process. We feel that solidarity among reformers is key to the success of synodality. 

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* 2. To what extent are you concerned about who will make the selections and whether a balanced representation of the people will be included in the continental phase?

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* 3. Please explain your response

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* 5. Would you personally be willing to serve on such a board?

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* 6. If you answered yes to serve or could recommend others, please complete the following:

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* 7. If you have a second name to recommend, please provide it here.

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* 8. Please let us know your name and country. If you wish to receive follow up information about the outcome of this survey, provide your email address.

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* 9. Thank you for participating in this survey. If you have any further comment, please leave it here. Once you have completed the survey, please pass this link onto other leaders supporting the reform movement whom you think might be willing to serve on this organizing board.