11% of survey complete.
Hi there. We want to hear from you! 

Our prize drawing has ended!  You can still take our short survey to provide your feedback.

We want to improve the experience for students using our books and software. If you have used a Labyrinth Learning solution (textbook or eLab), this survey will take 5 minutes to complete. 
First, tell us a bit about your class and the book(s) you used.

Question Title

* 1. What was the subject of your Labyrinth Learning textbook? (Choose all that apply.)

Question Title

* 2. What type of school were you attending when you took this course?

Question Title

* 3. Where did you take the course? (Name of school, such as Gateway Community College)

Question Title

* 4. Select the description that best fits your course.

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following most closely matches your experience?

Question Title

* 6. Where did you get your Labyrinth Learning materials (textbook and/or license keys)?