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* 1. What school do you attend?

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* 2. What services have you participated in this last year from the Indian Education program? Choose all that apply.

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* 3. What do you like most to participate in and why?

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* 4. If you are in grades 6 through 12, please answer the following question: What services do you see as most important for Indian Education to continue to provide?

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* 5. If you are in grades 6 through 12, please answer the following question: Are there services not currently provided that you believe are needed for Indian Education students? Please note what they would be.

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* 6. If you are in grades 6 through 12, please answer the following question: If you have participated in any summer programs such as Konaway Nika Tillicum, Bridge of the Gods, Summer jobs advertised for Native youth that the Indian Education program advertised etc., please list them here.

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* 7. What else can we do to support you?