Primary Entrant Information

Submit your entry by completing this form. Contact Ryan Gordon at with any questions. Only one entry per competitive team allowed.

Question Title

* Primary Contact First Name

Question Title

* Primary Contact Last Name

Question Title

* School Name

Question Title

* Student Team Name

Question Title

* Email Address (.edu account)

Question Title

* Phone Number

Question Title

* Full Mailing Address

Question Title

* Acknowledgement: Indicate attribution, if any, you require to appear with material if used by ANSYS (e.g. "Courtesy of Company").

Question Title

* ANSYS Software Used: Example: ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS HFSS, ANSYS Mechanical, etc.

Question Title

* Caption of Video
15-35 word description of video

Question Title

* Engineering Challenge
150-250 word description of the engineering challenge you used ANSYS simulation to solve

Question Title

* Solution
150-250 word description of how you used ANSYS simulation software to improve your design and solve your problem.

Please submit your video file to