Where does our sector want to be in 5 years?

The Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT convened strategic brainstorming forums with the ACT’s alcohol tobacco and other drug sector on Tuesday 13 October 2015 at University House, the Australian National University.

The forums were designed to generate ideas for the sector for the next five years, which could contribute to policy processes such as the ACT Budget and the new ACT and National Drug Strategies.

Input from stakeholders was sought across the following domains:

• Treatment and support
• Workforce development
• Participation of service and drug users, families and friends
• Research
• Harm reduction
• Law reform and enforcement
• Prevention

The morning forum was focused on frontline workers, while the afternoon was oriented towards managers, policy makers, researchers and advocates.

In preparation of the forums, stakeholders were encouraged to develop ideas through responses to a series of questions. Participants were able to contribute as many ideas as they wished.

For those unable to attend the morning or afternoon forums, or those attendees wishing to share further ideas, the questions are reproduced below.

NOTE: You are able to fill in the survey more than once if you have more than one idea.

This ideas questionnaire will close on 30 November 2015.

If you have any difficulties with this questionnaire, please contact Annalisa Koeman at ATODA: annalisa@atoda.org.au or (02) 6255 4070.

Question Title

* 1. You have been given a magic wand that will allow you to fix* an everyday problem that your clients often experience or that we in the sector often see in the ACT. What would you wish for?

* Don’t simply wish for ‘more funding’ here because while that would undoubtedly be useful, it is something over which ATODA and the sector has limited influence. Funds are more likely to be forthcoming for innovative ideas to spend or re-direct resources.

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* 2. What exactly is the problem this will fix and how does the problem arise?

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* 3. Can you point to any evidence—such as trials of the idea or arrangements in other jurisdictions—that can be drawn on for guidance in making this idea work?

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* 4. If your wish comes true, what real world outcomes will we notice?

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* 5. How will this idea work in practice, what timeframe would it need, and who would carry it out?

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* 6. What catchy and simple title would you give your idea?

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* 7. If you wish to provide your name and contact details, please do so here: