
The City of Beaumont is working on updating the current Smoke-Free Public Places Bylaw, which came into effect on November 2003. City Council has directed that the City of Beaumont’s updated Smoke-Free Public Places Bylaw to be aligned with the new Cannabis Consumption Bylaw.

The purpose of the Smoke-Free Public Places Bylaw is to limit the effects of second-hand tobacco smoke and regulate the smoking of tobacco products in public places and workplaces within the City of Beaumont.

Aligning these two bylaws will prohibit the smoking/vaping of tobacco from:
  • Within a building, other than a residence or temporary residence.
  • On the grounds of an outdoor public event, except in a designated smoking area.
  • In a campground, on a patio, inside a public vehicle or at a playground.
  • In an open space, in any park, seasonal skating rink or a skate park.
  • At a sports field or on any trails within city limits.
  • No minor shall possess, consume or smoke a tobacco product.
  • No person may engage in smoking within 6 meters of a doorway, window or air intake of a building, other than a residence or a temporary residence.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a resident of Beaumont?

Question Title

* 2. Do you agree with aligning Beaumont’s Smoke-Free Public Places Bylaw with the new Cannabis Consumption Bylaw?