GCADV Webinar Evaluation - Safety Planning Demystified - Part Two

50% of survey complete.
Webinar Evaluation 
Safety Planning Demystified - Part Two: How to Bring Survivor Safety Into Everyday Interactions
Your feedback is very important to us! Please take a moment to complete this survey and let us know your comments regarding the training we provided. We appreciate your time and value your opinion!

Question Title

* 1. Were you able to successfully listen to the audio through your computer or over the phone?

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* 2. Were you able to successfully view and participate during the webinar?


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* 3. Overall, how would you rate the training?

  Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor
Quality of this training?
Quality of the materials provided?

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* 4. The topic(s) addressed in this training were appropriate to my program’s needs.

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* 5. My knowledge of the subject increased as a direct result of this training.

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* 6. Were you satisfied with the content, format and/other aspects of the webinar?

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* 7. What was the most significant/valuable thing you learned from this training?

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* 8. What, if anything, would you change about the course or delivery to make it a more valuable learning experience for you?

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* 9. What other comments or suggestions do you have for future trainings, guest speakers, etc.?