Project Background: The purpose of this watershed stakeholder questionnaire is to identify potential stakeholders and their willingness to participate in special projects, meetings, and opportunities that will be pursued by RGISC as part of the San Ambrosia-Santa Isabel Watershed Restoration Plan. This project is funded primarily through a federal grant from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It will focus on the cities of Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, but also include upstream and downstream affected stakeholders from the cities of Eagle Pass, Piedras Negras, and smaller communities like Rio Bravo and El Cenizo. Our goal is to develop a scientifically grounded, data-driven watershed management plan (under an adaptive management framework) for watershed restoration in this section of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo. Key objectives include:
●       Improved water quality

●       Increased wildlife habitat

●       Improved groundwater replenishment

●       Understand and restore groundwater hydrology

●       Community relationship building between stakeholders

●       Identify former coal mining sites

●       Greater understanding of flood/drought resilience

●       Identify historic landscapes and soils

●       Identify former arroyos/tributaries and wetlands

●       Establish essential boundaries for future land/water  development

●       Greater understanding of climate impacts

Goal: We hope to identify and prioritize solutions to some of the persistent problems and future challenges that the watershed faces, in order to secure necessary funding to ultimately begin to restore the watershed. Through strong stakeholder engagement, we are striving to include the voices of everyone who would like to be involved in this restoration endeavor. We are eager to hear your ideas, your values, your suggestions, and your opinions! Your responses will help inform and guide RGISC’s timely efforts to restore the watershed.

Question Title

* 1. What is your interest in the San Ambrosia-Santa Isabel Watershed? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. What do you think are the biggest problem(s) facing the watershed today?  You may provide explanations for your choices, if applicable. (Check all that apply)

Question Title

San Ambrosia-Santa Isabel Watershed Map

San Ambrosia-Santa Isabel Watershed Map

Question Title

* 3. Can you identify where you live/are located on the watershed map that has been provided to you? 

Question Title

* 4. Based on your current use of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo, and your expected use of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo in the future, which of the following uses are most important to you? Please rank them in order from greatest importance to least importance (1 = most important; 6 = least important).

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* 5. If you chose "Other", please specify that use below.

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* 6. (Please skip if not applicable) Have you completed any ecological or riparian restoration projects on your property (within the watershed)? If so, kindly describe the project type, location, and approximate number of acres.

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* 7. (Please skip if not applicable) Are there any restoration needs/improvements/pressing issues on your property or in your community that require urgent attention in line with the items that have been discussed? If so, please describe in detail.

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* 8. Do you have any recommendations/suggestions for projects or actions on how to improve conditions or resources in our watershed? If so, please describe in detail.

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* 9. Please indicate if you are available/interested in participating in a 30-minute, 1-on-1 interview regarding these watershed issues.

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* 10. If you answered yes, please indicate if you would prefer to meet virtually or in person.

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* 11. If you answered yes, how should we get in touch with you to schedule this interview?

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* 12. (Optional) Provide your contact information below so that we may schedule an interview following this questionnaire. 

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* 13. Have you heard about our organization (RGISC)? If so, how? (Check all that apply)

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* 14. Is there another organization or individual you feel we should reach out to? If so, kindly include their contact information below.

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* 15. Is there anything else you would like to add to this questionnaire that has not been discussed (additional issues, comments, or suggestions)? Please explain below.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this questionnaire, please reach out to:

Martin Castro
Watershed Science Director
Rio Grande International Study Center
Office: (956) 718-1063 | Cell: (956) 285-8313 | Email:
1 West End Washington Street, Bldg. P-11, Laredo, Texas 78040
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
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100% of survey complete.