Vote for a Movie

We will be holding a FREE relaxed film screening session at GRUB on Saturday, 28 September, for families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) living in Manchester.

We would like your help in choosing the film that we will be showing at the session.

Please choose your preferred movie and we will screen the one that garners the most number of votes.

This poll will close at 12pm on Wednesday, the 11th of September.

Question Title

* 1. Which movie would you like us to run at the relaxed cinema session? (You can vote as many options as you'd like.)

Please click on the linked title to see more information about a particular movie.

Where it says "New Release" beside a title, it means that the movie has only been released within the past 12 months.
Please note that this poll is just to help us choose the best movie for the event.

It does NOT guarantee that you will receive a place at the session. Bookings will be done via Eventbrite once we have chosen the movie.

Please enter your email address on the next page and/or follow us on social media to receive an update when booking opens.