Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS has opened an inquiry into the experiences of NDIS participants in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia.

HACSU/HSU will be making a submission to parliament about the issues regional, rural and remote workers face, and how they impact NDIS participants. We want to make sure your voices are heard.
Who is conducting the study?  The survey is being carried out by your union.
What is involved? If you participate, the survey will ask you questions about the work that you do. It should take around 10-15 minutes or less to complete.  The survey will close on 16 February 2024. You are welcome to share the link with colleagues who work in the disability sector, so that they can also participate.
Do I have to do it?  Participation is voluntary.  If you do not want to take part, you do not have to. Your participation will help our collective efforts to improve workforce support.
Is it confidential? What you say in the survey is confidential. Unless you give us permission, we won’t share your details or the information you have provided in the survey. We won't tell anyone who you are, who you work for or where you work. Where you’ve told us we can use your information, we will make sure any quotes used from responses will be anonymised.   

Question Title

* 1. Do you work in disability services and/or provide paid support to people with disability?