Every two years, we carry out the most comprehensive study of EDI in UK real estate and its associated sectors.

Until Monday 30th September, everyone working in our industry in the UK - regardless of your role, your seniority, who you work for or anything else at all - can take ten minutes to make a difference by sharing your views.

The questions will generate insights to help us determine how far we have come in progressing EDI in our workplaces and also where we should focus and prioritise to accelerate change.

The survey is anonymous and we will not ask for any information that will identify you. However, the results of the survey, including comments with your permission, will be published in a final report.

Unless stated otherwise, please select one answer for each question. You can view our Privacy Policy here.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey; we really value your views.

Question Title

* 1. Do you permit us to include your anonymous comments in the report highlighting the findings of this survey?

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* 2. What type of organisation do you work for?

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* 3. What is the approximate size of the organisation you work for?

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* 4. Where is your primary work location where you are based most frequently?

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* 5. What is your level within your organisation?

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* 6. How long have you worked for your current employer?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. What is your ethnic group?

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* 9. Which type of school did you attend between the ages of 11 and 16? If you changed schools, please base your answer on the last two years of your education.

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* 10. Did either of your parents attend university by the time you were 18?

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* 11. What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were about 14?

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* 12. Where do you see the greatest disparity of diversity in your organisation?

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* 13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"My company deals extremely well with equity, diversity and inclusion issues."

Please select one answer for each row.

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know
Gender equality
Gender identity
Sexual orientation
Disability (physical)
Mental health
Religion and belief
Social mobility
Caring responsibilities

Question Title

* 14. Real Estate Balance requires a CEO or other senior leader at member organisations to sign up to ten commitments to work towards improving equity, diversity and inclusion across the industry.

Are you aware of the Real Estate Balance CEO Commitments?

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* 15. Which, if any, of the following practices do you think are having an impact on improving equity, diversity and inclusion in your organisation and which do you think your organisation should focus more on in the future?

Please select all that apply.

  My organisation has implemented this practice and it has helped to improve EDI My organisation should focus more on this practice in the future
Active driving of cultural/ behavioural change
EDI policies/ action plans and working groups
Commitment to external EDI charters
Internal targets
Measuring diversity and progress at Board level
Incentivisation for inclusive behaviours which further EDI ambitions
Talent development plans (for women and other underrepresented minority groups)
Flexible working programmes
EDI (this could include cultural competency and/or emotional intelligence) training for mangers of people
Cross-company mentoring programmes
Reverse mentoring
Enhanced parental policies and practices
None of the above

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* 16. Do you feel that you are able to openly discuss your career and life aspirations with your line manager?

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* 17. Please elaborate on either why you feel you can or cannot discuss these topics with your line manager

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* 18. How important is it to you that your employer is taking actions to progress equity, diversity and inclusion?

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* 19. The Real Estate Balance vision is to achieve greater equity, diversity and inclusion across all levels of the UK real estate industry and associated sectors, with a particular focus on gender, ethnicity, and social mobility.

What do you feel would be the most valuable activities that Real Estate Balance can carry out to help achieve this?

Please select up to three.

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* 20. Are there any other comments you would like to make?