If you want to submit a paper copy please send it to NPTEC, P.O. Box 365, Lapwai, ID 83540; Fax to 208.843.7354; or scan and email to nptec@nezperce.org.

Question Title

* 1. What is your Full Name?

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* 2. What is your Nez Perce Tribal Enrollment Number?

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* 3. What is your Date of Birth?

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* 4. What would you like to see done with the Ramah Settlement? Please provide three options.
Some examples might be invest the funds; meth prevention; drug/alcohol programs; elders programs; youth programs; economic development; community development; education; etc.

Question Title

* 5. If one of your choices was to distribute as a percapita payment would you choose all Settlement Funds to be distributed; a portion of the Settlement Funds (if so what percentage should be paid out as a percapita); or other (please describe).

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any other comments you would like to share with all of NPTEC?