Please visit for a complete list of proposal requirements before starting your submission.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your demographic information. Demographic information is optional and will not be used to determine workshop selection.

Question Title

* 3. Please upload your professional biography.

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Question Title

* 4. Please upload your résumé.

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Question Title

* 5. Proposed workshops may have up to two presenters. If your proposed workshop has a second presenter, please enter their contact and demographic information. Contact information is required. Demographic information is optional and will not be used to determine workshop selection. If you are the only presenter of your proposed workshop, please skip to question 8.

Question Title

* 6. If your proposed workshop has a second presenter, please upload their professional biography.

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Question Title

* 7. If your proposed workshop has a second presenter, please upload their résumé.

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Question Title

* 8. Why do you want to present at the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference? What makes you a good fit to present at the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference? Have you presented at the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference before?

Question Title

* 9. What is the title of your proposed workshop?

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* 10. Please provide a summary or description of your proposed workshop to give the committee a strong sense of the workshop’s content. This description may be used for promotional materials and program books.

Question Title

* 11. Please provide an outline of your proposed workshop or a breakdown of how the time will be used throughout the workshop that provides as much information about the presentation flow and audience experience as possible. We recommend outlining the workshop in increments of 10-15 minutes and allotting time for questions at the end of the workshop. All Continuing Education Track workshops will occur in time slots lasting one hour.

Question Title

* 12. Please provide three learning objectives of your proposed workshop. What do you want attendees to learn or accomplish?

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* 13. Who is the target audience of your proposed workshop? Does your proposed workshop reference a professional specialization or area of practice? If this workshop is intended to be restricted to attendees who share a particular identity or experience, please indicate it here.

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* 14. Do you prefer to present your proposed workshop in person, virtually, or do you not have a preference?

Question Title

* 15. Please upload sample content that will reflect your proposed workshop. This could be slides, notes, videos, references, or something small that can be consumed in under ten minutes to give the selection committee a clear sense of your workshop's content. Sample content is not required and does not need to be extensive.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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