Website, Social Media and Annual Report Submissions

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 2. Please list the full name of any student, athlete, team or staff member earning regional, state or national award or recognition item (athletic, academic, music/art, video, etc.).

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* 3. Please list the full name of the award or milestone. Be sure to spell out acronyms.

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* 4. Explain some more detail on why the above accomplishment(s) is/are significant.

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* 5. Please provide a date for when the award or milestone was reached. (Example: Month, Day, and Year.)

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* 6. Please include the name and title of any sponsor, staff member or coach who should be recognized along with the honoree.

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* 7. Please include any other information you would like to share on the website and/or in the annual report. For athletics, please include a season summary.

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* 8. Please include your phone number (not for publication), should we have questions.

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* 9. Do you have any photos to share regarding this recognition?

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* 10. If you have an additional photo, please upload it. Please include photographer credit if applicable. We cannot guarantee placement. Please include high-resolution photographs.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. If you have an additional photo, please upload it. Please include photographer credit if applicable. We cannot guarantee placement. Please include high-resolution photographs.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
You can also email your photos.
Thank you for the information. Please submit by May 31 to be included in the annual report. We are seeking high-level student, staff, coaching, player and athlete accomplishments. Know that we will do our best to include this type of information. However, the district reserves the right to choose placement (web versus annual report).

Question Title

* 12. Can we provide your phone number to the newspaper for recognition (not for publication), should editors be interested?