Have your say – Police & Crime Plan consultation 2024-2028

This is an opportunity for anyone who lives, works or visits Staffordshire to have their say on the proposed priorities in the Police & Crime Plan 2024-2028.

The plan is a strategic document that sets out the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner's vision and priorities for policing and crime reduction in Staffordshire.

The plan is the basis on which the Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account in terms of performance, provides funding for commissioned services and works with community organisations to keep Staffordshire safe.

Have your say. We will collate all the responses from the consultation anonymously and use them to inform the plan priorities.

Thank you for taking part.

If you would like to receive updates about the work of the Commissioner, please sign up to our Staffordshire Smart Alerts.

Question Title

* 1. To achieve this, the Commissioner has set out 4 key priorities for Staffordshire Police.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
An outstanding local Police service
Supporting victims
Preventing and protecting
Impactful partnerships

Question Title

* 2. Priority 1 - An outstanding local Police service
Closer to communities to really understand what matters to them and proactive in solving their concerns. Easy to contact, focused on the needs of victims and providing excellent customer service. Proficient and professional in everything they do. This will mean that people are safer and feel safer, and are confident in and proud of Staffordshire Police.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Improve non-emergency contact service such as 101 so people receive a high-quality, timely response
Respond quickly and effectively to incidents and thoroughly investigate crime and ASB
Work effectively with partners to tackle burglary, robbery, vehicle, business, retail and rural crime
Ensure that police and partners are equipped to tackle organised criminals and reduce violence and harm
Help the police to improve their service by learning from complainants and victims
Build strong relationships with communities through crime prevention and early intervention
Improve road safety by tackling criminality, excessive speed, drug or drink driving, unsafe and uninsured vehicles
Robustly tackle unacceptable behaviour by officers and staff

Question Title

* 3. Priority 2 - Supporting victims
Ensure victims and witnesses are provided with exceptional specialist support services so they feel able to cope and recover from the impact of crime and ASB.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Work with partners to reduce repeat victimisation
Work with the NHS and others to ensure victims can access related services eg mental health support
Ensure free specialist support services are in place for victims and witnesses
Ensure support services are accessible to all communities
Ensure victims are kept informed about support available to them and how their case is progressing

Question Title

* 4. Priority 3 - Preventing and protecting
Prevent harm and protect people (particularly children and those who are vulnerable) by ensuring they are appropriately safeguarded and receive the help and support they need. Challenge and support people to make life choices that will prevent them from offending or reoffending. Doing so will mean fewer victims of crime

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Ensure prevention and early intervention programmes are in place to stop the onset of offending behaviour
Ensure services are in place to divert vulnerable people away from crime and ASB
Work with partners to help those leaving prison reintegrate into the community and achieve stable lifestyles
Ensure offenders are held accountable for their actions
Ensure programmes are in place to address specific offences e.g. domestic abuse
Work with partners to prevent people being drawn into terrorism

Question Title

* 5. Priority 4 - Impactful partnerships
Bring partners together and ensure the appropriate agency plays to its strengths in preventing crime and ASB, protecting people from harm, supporting those affected and delivering justice. Encourage people to get more involved in shaping priorities, volunteering and helping to solve problems in their community

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Support Local Community Safety Partnerships to develop strategies to prevent and tackle crime and ASB in their area
Encourage more people to take part in volunteering, community representation and scrutiny
Work with regional partners to dismantle serious organised crime gangs and prevent potential terrorist activity
Work with partners in the Criminal Justice System to deliver more rapid justice
Work with partners in the Criminal Justice System to deliver quality services to victims and witnesses
Work jointly towards reducing road casualties that have devastating consequences for families

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything else you would like to see included in the Police and Crime Plan?