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* 1. Please identify the school where you performed the Plasmonics laboratory:

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* 2. Did you perform all parts of the experiment (I-III) or just a single part? (i.e. Part 1: making the nanospheres, Part 2: making nanostars, and Part 3: increasing size and observing the resulting light interactions)

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* 3. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

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* 4. After performing this hands-on activity, please rate how well you understand the following:

  Not at all A little Mostly Very
Nanoparticles exhibit a phenomenon called plasmon resonance.
Changing nanoparticles’ size and shape influence the movement of their electrons, and consequently their colors.
Nanoparticles possess a high surface area that causes them to clump together unless you give them a net charge that makes them repel each other.
Please offer your explanation to the following questions:

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* 5. How is the nature of plasmonic oscillations in gold nanoparticles, and how it is linked with a nanoparticle’s size and shape?

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* 6. Why did we try modifying the synthesis temperature and what was the result?

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* 7. What are examples of ancient man-made objects containing nanoparticles?

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* 8. Identify any concepts that you might have better understood after performing this activity:

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* 9. On a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 means "not at all" and 4 means "very much", rate the following:

  1 2 3 4
Did you find the science you learned in this activity interesting?
Do you want to learn more about plasmonics and nanoscale interactions?
How well can you explain the nanoscience principles demonstrated by this laboratory?