
This is the Participant Nomination Survey for the WAIS-5 and WMS-5 Study. This is where you can express interested in taking part for your child, yourself, or a person you are responsible for.

The survey will first ask you to review the participant information statement and consent to take part. We will then ask you some basic demographic and health questions. Your answers will help us find out whether you can take part in the study. It should take about 10 minutes to complete.

If you can take part, a researcher will contact you to organise a time and place to take part in the study sessions. If you cannot take part, we will email to let you know.

Project Information
Click Here for the Plain Language Participant Information Statement
Click Here for Easy Read Study Summary

If you have any questions or want more information, you can contact the Pearson Clinical Research Team who are conducting this research:
Telephone: +61 3 7065 8533
Email: research@pearson.com.au
What is this study about?

In this study we will be making Australian and New Zealand versions of three tests:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Fifth Edition (WAIS-5)
Wechsler Memory Scale – Fifth Edition (WMS-5)
Texas Functional Living Scale - Second Edition (TFLS-2)

The WAIS-5 is a test of cognitive skills, such as problem solving and paying attention.
The WMS-5 is a test of memory and learning.
The TFLS-2 is a test practical skills, such as communicating and telling time.

Because the WAIS-5, WMS-5, and TFLS-2 were made in the United States, we need to make sure they give the right results for Australian and New Zealand people. To do this, we need people from around Australia and New Zealand to take the tests. This will allow us to understand how people typically perform.

Who can take part in the study?

For this study, we are inviting different groups of people to take part. The study groups include:
  • People who have not been diagnosed with any brain-related conditions;
  • People with intellectual disability;
  • People who have been identified as intellectually gifted (based on a standardised cognitive assessment);
  • People living with temporal lobe epilepsy;
  • People who have experienced a traumatic brain injury in the last 6 to 18 months;
  • People who have received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder;
  • People who have received a diagnosis of a depression-related disorder;
  • People who have received a diagnosis of schizophrenia; and
  • People who have received a diagnosis of mild Alzheimer’s disease.
All participants must be aged 16 to 90 years, have English as their primary language, and live in Australia or New Zealand.
What does the study involve?
Some participants will complete one or two tests, and some will complete all three. After you have completed the survey, we will tell you which tests you can complete.

The WAIS-5 session involves different cognitive tasks, such as solving puzzles, recalling numbers, defining words, and answering questions about the world.

The WMS-5 session involves memory tasks. These include listening to and repeating stories, drawing pictures from memory, reading and remembering lists of words, and identifying pictures from memory.

The TFLS-2 session involves practical tasks such as finding a number in a phone book, demonstrating addressing a letter, and showing how you would prepare food.

As a thank you, participants receive a gift card for each completed session:
  • A $100 gift card is provided for the WAIS-5 session.
  • A $100 gift card is provided for the WMS-5 session.
  • A $50 gift card is provided for the TFLS-2 session.
How long does it take?
  • The WAIS-5 session will take 2 to 3.5 hours
  • The WMS-5 session will take 1 to 2 hours
  • The TFLS-2 session will take 30 minutes
  • Session times can vary depending on age and time taken for breaks.
  • Sessions can be completed on the same day or on different days.
Where will the study sessions happen?
  • If you're invited to take part, we will connect you with a researcher (a psychologist or occupational therapist) in your area who will contact you directly to organise a time and place for the study session that works for you.
  • Study sessions can take place in a clinic, in home, or in a hired space (e.g., public library room). This will depend on what works best for you and the researcher.
  • The environment must be quiet and free from distraction.
Important things to know:
  • These tests are for research purposes only. The tests will not result in a diagnosis. It is not considered treatment or intervention. Participants will not receive any results or feedback.
  • After taking part, participants will not be able to complete a WAIS-5, WMS-5, WAIS-IV, or WMS-IV for at least 12 months. If a participant needs an assessment of their cognition or memory in the next 12 months, they should let their treating clinician know that they took part in this study.
  • Participants should not take part in this study if there are any specific questions or concerns about their cognitive skills or memory.
  • There is a risk that completing the cognitive and memory tasks as part of this study may raise questions or concerns about the participant's cognitive skills or memory. If any questions do arise because of participation in the study, your researcher will give you referral options for an appropriate health care specialist, if needed.

Question Title

* To express interest in taking part, select the option that applies to you and then click 'Next':