Call for Proposals

Submission Deadline Extended: Friday, September 24, 2021

Concurrent sessions will be 30 minutes total each. 

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. College/School/Department

Question Title

* 5. Email Address

Question Title

* 6. Phone

Question Title

* 7. Campus Mailing Address

Question Title

* 8. Co-Presenter

Question Title

* 9. Title of Presentation

To review the Symposium Tracks visit the Oktoberbest Call For Proposals webpage.
Abstract Description Criteria
  1. Description: What is your session about? Provide a conceptual or theoretical framework for your topic.
  2. Value: What is the justification for your presentation in context of the symposium track that you selected?
  3. Relevance: How will this session improve attendees’ practice of teaching and student learning?

Question Title

* 11. Abstract Description(300 Word Maximum)

Session Learning Outcomes Criteria
State the expected learning outcome(s) for session participants, including any knowledge, skills, or abilities gained.

Question Title

* 12. Session Learning Outcomes

Session Learning Activity Criteria
Outline the session’s opportunities for participant interaction and active learning. Please model exemplary teaching and learning practices.

Question Title

* 13. Session Learning Activity