Thank you for your willingness to share your views on the effectiveness of improvements made in relation to environmental management consultation and decision-making processes for the offshore petroleum industry.

The results from this survey form an important basis for NOPSEMA in evaluating how effective our improvement strategies have been and contribute to informing NOPSEMA's future improvement priorities. NOPSEMA is particularly interested to hear your views regarding:
  • improved accessibility of information attributed to enhancements made to its website (e.g. activity status and summaries web page, environment plan subscription service, design and layout of information, publication of decision notifications)
  • published guidance (e.g. deciding on acceptance criteria series guidelines, environment plan summaries guideline, published brochures on environmental management assessment and approval processes)
  • policy reform proposal (e.g. changes to the requirements for consultation and disclosure of information proposed under changes to the Environment Regulations).

This survey is intended to collect stakeholder's views on the appropriateness of the consultation framework and the effectiveness of changes implemented. This survey is not intended to address views on the outcomes of individual consultation processes conducted by titleholders.

This survey is a voluntary and anonymous and should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete. There will be no means by which individual respondents will be identifiable. Following analysis of survey feedback, results will be published on NOPSEMA’s website. The closing date for the survey is Friday 31 March 2017. Your input is most welcomed and will assist in ensuring a safe and environmentally responsible Australian offshore petroleum industry.