Question Title

* 1. Conference Information

Question Title

* 2. Will your association provide CNA with:

  Yes No
a free booth space
a free registration

Question Title

* 3. Deadline for CNA to confirm participation:


Question Title

* 4. If you want CNA to have an exhibit space at your conference, please indicate the type of information that would be useful to your members.

Question Title

* 5. If CNA staff are unable able to attend your conference, do you want to receive promotional materials?

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate which activities you would like CNA to participate in:

  CNA President CNA President Elect CNA Chief Executive Officer Certification Staff CNA Staff
Greetings at Opening Ceremony
Concurrent Session
Pre-conference Workshop
Social Event
Certification Update
Greetings at Board Meeting
Presentation at Annual General Meeting
Presentation at Board Meeting
Written Greetings

Question Title

* 7. Please confirm the date you want to receive written greetings


Question Title

* 8. If a CNA executive is not available for the activity you have chosen above, do you want us to find another CNA staff to attend?

Question Title

* 9. If there are other activities you would like CNA to participate in, please provide specifics: