Industry Survey on Climate Change Adaptation

8% of survey complete.
PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure, is the leading partner for government and private sector in the preparation of guidance in the design, development and maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas.

In preparation for the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21), to be held in Paris in December 2015, members of the PIANC-led 'Think Climate' coalition are collaborating under the Transport Focus of the Lima Paris Action Agenda on an initiative entitled 'Navigating a Changing Climate'.  A key theme in the Navigating a Changing Climate initiative is 'Improve preparedness; strengthen resilience'.
PIANC has established Working Group 178, who are currently preparing technical guidance on climate change adaptation for maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure, which will include a toolbox of adaptation measures compiled from a library of case studies.  

PIANC is aware that there are many examples of good practice in climate change adaptation for waterborne transport infrastructure. The following questionnaire provides the framework for collecting case study information to inform the forthcoming guidance document.  PIANC therefore encourages you to share your experiences of climate change adaptation for waterborne transport infrastructure, whether it involves the physical modification of existing assets, development and/or delivery of an implementation strategy, changes in management practices, or institutional change. 

Depending on the particular initiative you select, completing the questionnaire should take no more than 30 minutes.  To be able to complete the survey most effectively, it would be useful to have the following at hand when you start:

 - information about the initiative, its location and its objectives,
 - details of which climatic factors / parameters were considered, and
 - overview of the main findings and/or recommendations, and any lessons learned. 

Finally, please only include information that you have authority to share.  PIANC will refer to the case study information provided in preparing the climate change adaptation guidance document, and many choose to make the library of case studies publicly available via its website.