Website Modernization Survey Questions:

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information (Optional)

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* 2. Overall, please rate the ease/difficulty of updating content on the previous (CMS 2.0) Embassy websites: (difficult, medium, easy)

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* 3. Overall, please rate the ease/difficulty of updating content on the new (WordPress) Embassy websites: (difficult, medium, easy)

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* 4. Please rate the ease of use for posting/updating the following:

  Difficult Medium Easy
News & Events
Feature Events
Photos & Photo Galleries
Embedding Social media

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* 5. How satisfied are you overall with the WordPress functionality?

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* 6. What are your biggest sources of frustration with the WordPress CMS?

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* 7. Can you explain why?

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* 8. What do you like the best about the new WordPress CMS?

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* 9. Is there any other functionality you would like to see added to WordPress?

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* 10. Do you use analytics data to inform your content strategy?

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* 11. Regarding Consular Affairs traffic:
Has the modernization decreased the number of questions received (calls/emails) regarding the Visa application process?

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* 12. If yes, by what percentage?

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* 13. If no, what has been the impact?

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* 14. Rate the redesign (look and feel) of the U.S. Mission websites

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* 15. How often do you publish or update content via mobile devices?

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* 16. In average, how much time has the new WordPress CMS saved you when publishing content and media?

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* 17. In average, how much time has the new WordPress CMS saved you when publishing a single post?

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* 18. How satisfied are you with the current way we notify you about recent updates?