We're very sorry to see you go.

Thanks much for taking a minute out of your day to give us some feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Primary Email: (We will not add this email address to our database. We'll only use it to send you a personal email if we have any questions about the feedback you are generously sharing with us.)

Question Title

* 3. How much did you use and benefit from each of the following MRIC features?

  Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful I Never Took Advantage of This
The Clubhouse – Where you could ask the entire MRIC team and other members questions.
Monthly Marketing Brain Cleanse sessions – Where John Carlton & Stan Dahl gave specific feedback to a member on their marketing funnel, copy, website, etc:
Videos of live events, such as the Hot Seat & Copywriting Seminars:
Library of lessons (videos, audios, and good ol' text):
John Carlton's Corner – Swipe File of his most successful ads, Scuttlebutt Sessions, etc.
Premium Services – Action Seminar, Simple Writing System, or Platinum Mastermind Group content.

Question Title

* 4. What could we add to the MRIC that would make you want to renew your membership?

Thanks again for giving the MRIC a try and for taking the time to give us some constructive feedback.

Best wishes in your business & personal endeavors.


Stan Dahl & the entire Marketing Rebel Team