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The Minnesota Values Project is a partnership between Minnesotans and elected officials to create a shared vision for the future of our state. Your input is an important part of this process--thank you for participating!


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* 1. Share your name, email address, and where you live:

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* 2. What values do you share with your neighbors, friends, and do you want to instill in future generations of Minnesotans?

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* 3. What makes you feel connected to fellow Minnesotans? What makes you feel divided from fellow Minnesotans?

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* 4. What are your hopes and dreams for yourself, your family, your community?

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* 5. What are the barriers to achieving these hopes and dreams?

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* 6. If you were in charge, what action would you take to create positive change for Minnesotans?

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* 7. Do you have a personal story you’re willing to share about how this change would affect you or your family?

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