Question Title

* 1. Dear Sir or Madam,

Madison College is conducting this survey to determine interests and concerns about USING mobile devices for health care applications. This survey is focused on Seniors and their service providers who personally own and use mobile TABLETS i.e. iPads, Kindles, Android or SMARTPHONES. The theme of this survey is how the mobile tablet or smartphone is used to manage well-being and health concerns. Your participation should take about 15 minutes.

There are no risks to you.

All information obtained by this survey will be handled in a strictly confidential manner by the research team. No one will be able to identify you when the results are reported.

Your participation in this survey is totally voluntary and you may withdraw at any time without negative consequences.
Contact team leader via email:

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please contact one of the following people:

Honors Student Researcher Harry Dettinger 608-222-2233
Honors Supervising Faculty Member Betty Hurd 608-246-6486
Honors Program Director Julia Haseleu 608-243-4715
Institutional Review Board Liaison Angelika Gulbis 608-243-4139

I understand the survey described above. I am 18 years of age or older and I agree to participate.