Question Title

* 1. Your name:

Question Title

* 2. Semester of evaluation

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* 3. Year of evaluation

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* 4. Name of site

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* 5. Supervisor's name and degree

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* 6. **Please rate the extent to which your supervisor...

  Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite a lot A great deal
Enhanced your self-confidence through support, encouragement, and granting you the right amount of autonomy.
Developed a strong working alliance with you.
Gave you effective feedback, including both affirmation and constructive criticism, as needed.
Demonstrated skill in various methods of supervision.
Was adaptable and flexible.
Helped you with case conceptualization.
Remained steady and predictable.
Had a sense of humor, and expressed it appropriately.
Was clear and direct, even if it meant discussing areas of conflict in your relationship.
Demonstrated an ability for self-evaluation and was open to feedback from others.
Helped you understand and value human diversity.
Demonstrated awareness of and commitment to ethical principles.
Helped you become more aware of yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses and the impact you have on others

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* 7. Below you will find thecompetency areas that guide our training model. Please rate the extent to which your supervisor helped you grow in each competency area. Notice that there is a Not Applicable column, which should be used for competencies that were not relevant to your training site.

  Not helpful at all Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Quite helpful Very helpful N/A
Relationship Competency (e.g., facilitates therapeutic alliance, communicates empathy, demonstrates active listening, facilitates appropriate termination)
Assessment Competency (e.g., obtains psychosocial history, conducts mental status exam, provides case conceptualization, administers and interpret psychological testing, provides DSM diagnosis)
Intervention Competency (e.g., develops treatment plan, uses a variety of responses such as questions, reflections, and so on, implements specific treatment techniques, facilitates client skill development, attends to client’s affect, tracks with client)
Research and Evaluation Competency (e.g., understands current research related to assessments and interventions, aware of psychometric standards related to assessment procedures)
Consultation and Education Competency (e.g., able to solicit and give feedback to others, communicates effectively, works well in collaborative relationships with other professionals)
Management and Supervision Competency (e.g., understands models of supervision, relates well with supervisee, provides appropriate support, useful structure, and helpful feedback to supervisee)
Diversity Competency (e.g., demonstrates sensitive to client diversity issues, respectful of cultural differences, treatment plans and reports identify and address diversity issues)
Religious and Spiritual Diversity Competency (e.g., understands religious faith systems and how they relate to services offered by professional psychologists, respectful of religious and spiritual issues in assessment, intervention, supervision, and consultation)

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* 8. Additional comments (strengths and weaknesses)

** Most of these items are adapted from the supervision competencies identified by Falender, C. A., & Shafranske, E. P. (2004). Clinical supervision: A competency-based approach. Washington, DC. American Psychological Association.