Reporting Policies

As part of the Delaware Nurses Associaton quality assurance plan, DNA may request providers of approved activities to submit a report on specific criteria and any action taken (if any) to improve the activity. The reporting will be on educational activities approved during the preceding 12-months.

The applicant is required to submit post-session information that includes the summative evaluation results within 60-days following the event.

By apply for activity approval, individual applicants give the CE Committee permission to use their demographic and outcome data for reporting, and research purposes, such as
  • describing characteristics of individual applicant anonymously and in the aggregate; and
  • analyzing trends or addressing other CE Committee-defined or approved research questions.
All data received by DNA will remain confidential and will be reported only in aggregate form unless permission is granted by the individual applicant to share data specific to an organization.

Question Title

* 1. DNA Approval Number

Question Title

* 2. Title of Educational Program

Question Title

* 3. Location of Educational Program

Question Title

* 4. Number of contact hours offered upon activity completion:

Question Title

* 5. Was the activity jointly provided?

Question Title

* 6. Did the activity receive commercial support?

Question Title

* 7. Total number of participants who completed the activity