Online Form for Proposal Submission: Decade Action Incubator
Deadline for submission: 10 September 2023
The Decade Action Incubator serves as an interactive forum to catalyze partnerships, strengthen dialogue from ocean knowledge generators to knowledge users, initiate co-designing processes, facilitate the development of potential Decade Actions such as Decade programmes, Decade projects, and key crosscutting topics including capacity development and Early Career Ocean Professionals. Each Incubator will run for a period of no longer than three hours.

The proposed Decade Action Incubator shall address one or more of the seven Ocean Decade Outcomes as follows: a clean ocean, a healthy and resilient ocean, a productive ocean, a predicted ocean, a safe ocean, a transparent and accessible ocean, and an inspiring and engaging ocean.

Ocean stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, philanthropic foundations, UN agencies, governments, NGOs and civil society, and private and business sectors, are invited to submit their proposals by 10 September 2023.

For any inquiry, you can send your email to: and, with a subject line of “Decade Action Incubator”.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Which of these groups are you from? (You can choose one or two options.)

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* 3. Title of the proposed Incubator (also the name of the potential Decade Action)

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* 4. Which Ocean Decade Challenge does the proposed incubator/potential Decade Action focus on? (You can choose one or more of the following Challenges.)

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* 5. Which of the following criteria are relevant to your proposed Decade Action? (You can choose one or more of the following criteria.)

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* 6. Description of the potential Decade Action, which you would like to propose an incubator to facilitate its further development? (Please provide necessary descriptions with reference to the following questions*, max. 600 words.)

• Alignment with the vision and mission of the Ocean Decade, and contribution to the societal outcomes and challenges of the Ocean Decade;
• Generation of transformative ocean science in comparison to what has been done before;
• Promotion of multidisciplinary, solution-oriented approach;
• Engagement of broad stakeholders, and promotion of their interactions and actions;

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* 7. Description of how you plan to organize the Incubator? (Please provide necessary descriptions with reference to the following questions*.

• What kind of stakeholders will you engage in this event?
• Please attach a detailed programme, even a tentative one, which includes the names of all organizers, partners, speakers and panelists, and timetable
• Consideration given to gender balance and geographic representation in the choice of speakers and panelists

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* 8. Please attach a detailed programme, even a tentative one, which includes the names of all organizers, partners, speakers and panelists, and timetable

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