On the regional residential survey

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Könnunin á íslensku (Smellið)

The regional residential survey is conducted under the auspices of all regional associations outside the capital area, business development agencies and the Icelandic Regional Development Institute. The survey is intended for all residents who have reached the age of 18. The aim of the survey is to explore the situation of residents on the labour market, their assessment of residential conditions, future expectations and general well-being – all for the purpose of making a good community even better.

The survey is voluntary and you are neither obliged to respond to the survey as a whole nor in part.

The processing of the survey will be similar to the manner as in 2016 and 2017 (see here). It is implemented by calculating the averages of responses according to regions and, in some cases, demographic groups. Under certain circumstances a regression analysis is conducted. In accordance with Act No. 90/2018 on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data, no information will be published which can be traced to individuals.

It may also be helpful to use additional information obtained elsewhere in order to improve the clarity of conclusions. Only overall conclusions will be published in relation to groups analysed under those circumstances.

The responses and conclusions of the survey will be used by all local authorities and associations, business development consortia, the Icelandic Regional Development Institute, the Ministry of Local Government and academics at Icelandic Universities. It should be noted that even though personal identification markers are not being collected (ID numbers or ip-addresses) it may be possible, by coincidence, albeit an unlikely eventuality, to trace an occasional answer to a participant, in the event that the answers to two or more questions are compared, for example if a participant is the only civil engineer in the municipality in question. Such occurrences, however, will never be utilised in any manner nor published in any form of processing of survey data.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the survey or its implementation, please contact Vífill Karlsson at The Federation of Municipalities in West-Iceland, tel. 4332314 or 6959907

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate in this survey?