Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. Details (optional, you are welcome to be anonymous if you prefer)

Question Title

* 5. Which of these would best describe your current lifestyle:

Question Title

* 6. Tell me a little bit about your family

Question Title

* 7. What do your mornings look like?

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* 8. What does your after school time look like? (eg 3.30pm - 5.30pm)

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* 9. What does dinner time look like? (eg 5.30pm - 8.00pm)

Question Title

* 10. What does the kids' bedtime process look like?

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* 11. What happens once the kids go to bed? (eg 8.00pm - 10.30pm)

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* 12. Do you do any preparation for the week on weekends and if so what?

Question Title

* 13. Anything else you would like to share?

Thank you so much for completing the survey. I am hoping to publish 3 - 5 posts based on what readers have submitted.

Any questions, please email me at