YCAO is an independent body of the Yukon Legislative Assembly. Its mandate is to uphold children and youth’s rights, and to ensure their voices are being heard in all decisions made about them.
The purpose of this survey is for the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office to collect the voices and experiences of youth and caregivers who are currently or were formally involved in high conflict custody disputes. Responses collected will assist YCAO’s systemic review of the impacts of high conflict custody disputes on children in the Yukon. YCAO aims to determine service gaps and purpose best practices so children’s right to participation and to have their views heard is upheld during high conflict custody disputes.
This survey is entirely anonymous, and participation is voluntary. Contact information collected will strictly be used for the Gift Card Draw and will not be linked to the survey content. While we appreciate responses to all questions, it is not mandatory, if you would like to skip a question please select “next” at the bottom of the page to go to the next question.
This is a sensitive topic and recollecting and sharing your lived experiences might be bring up difficult feelings. You are welcome to stop participating at any time.
If you would like assistance with aftercare and healing, you can reach out to:
Rapid Access Counselling (RAC) for anyone under 18 and their family. 211 Hawkins St. Whitehorse 867-456-3838
Canadian Mental Health Association, Drop-in counselling and services by phone. 415 Baxter St. Whitehorse. 668-6429 Support Line 1-844-533-3030
Because this survey is anonymous, we are unable to follow up if you disclose current or historical harm. If you need to report such an incident, please call Family and Children’s Services at 867-667-3002 or your regional social worker found in the directory at youkon.ca/en/child-abuse.

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* 1. Consent to participation:

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* 2. Who is filling out this survey?

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* 3. Who was the conflict between?

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* 4. Ages of children at the time of dispute?

  Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 Child 6

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* 5. How long did the high conflict last?

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* 6. Which community did you live?

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* 7. Select all that apply: What concerns did you have during your high conflict custody dispute?

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* 8. What services were offered to you and/or your children throughout the custody dispute? (please list all you can)

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* 9. What services would you have liked to have access to? (available in other places or your own ideas)

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* 10. Was court involved?

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* 11. Did the child(ren) invovled receive legal representation?

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* 12. Did the child(ren) involved have anyone advocating for them?

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* 13. Were there any adults already involved in the child's life with a positive relationship with the child who could have helped their voice be heard?

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* 14. Is/Was the child involved already connected with someone able to formally collect their voice?

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* 15. Do you feel the child involved in the dispute had their voice heard?

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* 16. What services would you or your child/youth have benefited from? (real or imaginary)

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* 17. Is there anything you can think of that would have made the process easier for the child/youth?

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* 18. On a scale of 1-10 how effectively do you think you or your child's rights were upheld when determining custody?

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 19. Please list ways Children & Youth Rights can be improved during high conflict custody:

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* 20. Youth voice: if you are a youth or were a youth subject to high conflict custody you are welcome to share any thoughts and opinions you have/had. Some quotes may be used in YCAO’s systemic review and will remain anonymous.

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* 21. Any additional comments?

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* 22. Please provide contact information if you would like to be entered into the Gift Card Draw. Contact information will not be used in connection to survey responses.