Student Equity Survey

The Student Equity Team is preparing to hold Student Equity Forums the first two weeks of November on the main campus and at some of the centers. We plan to discuss CCSF's Student Equity Plan and what that means for the college. We would like to offer events that are relevant to you and your department or service area so that you can understand your role in our efforts. 

Your feedback on this survey will be helpful in shaping our program for that day and for professional development activities going forward.

Thank you for taking the time to complete it. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes and is anonymous. 
CCSF Office of Student Equity:
The mission of the CCSF Office of Student Equity is to eradicate the achievement gap among all students at CCSF.

The primary goals of the Office of Student Equity are to:
• Support the integration of equity as a core planning value at all levels of the college.
• Support all college stakeholders in developing interventions designed to close opportunity gaps.
• Build the capacity of college constituencies to access, analyze and track data. 
–Office of Student Equity
Dr. Laura Lara-Brady, Associate Dean of Student Equity
Neela Chatterjee, Student Equity Coordinator
Beth Cataldo, Student Equity Professional Development Coordinator