Survey information

5% of survey complete.
Please answer this short survey to be in to win an iPad Pro and help NZCER tailor education publications to your interests.

The survey is for everybody with a stake in education. You might be a teacher, principal, librarian, lecturer, PLD provider, BoT member, parent …the list is endless. 

The survey asks about your reading preferences in-print and online. If you’re familiar with set: Research Information for Teachers we will ask for feedback about it. You only see questions that are relevant to you. 

The survey takes 5 – 15 minutes to complete, most take 10 minutes. Please finish it in one sitting. Use the direction buttons on the survey itself not the back button on your browser.

Your participation is voluntary and confidential.  All data will be pooled together for analysis. For an information sheet please go to here. Otherwise get started now. 

At the end, press “DONE” to enter the iPad draw.  Thank you!