The Gunnedah Shire Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) is under review and we need your help. The aim of the DIAP is to ensure that people with disability or impairment who live, work and visit the Gunnedah Shire have equal access to Council services, facilities, programs and events.
Why have a Disability Inclusion Action Plan?
Gunnedah Shire Council is committed to being an access champion and improving opportunities for people of all ages with disability to access the full range of services and activities available in the community. The 2017-2021 DIAP prioritised a range of actions that Council needed to take throughout that period to make this happen.  We have been steadily working with our partners to implement the Plan and now it's time to revisit our actions to determine how we can strengthen the document.  

Who would we like to hear from?
If you or someone you know has a permanent or temporary disability/impairment (i.e. physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or other related conditions) and you live in or visit the Gunnedah Shire, then Council wants to hear your opinion. We also want to hear from family, friends, supporters, carers and services supporting people with a disability, and anyone else in the community who is interested in access and inclusion.
Can I give my opinion without doing the survey?
Yes.  Over the phone, in person or by email.
     .  Phone Debra Hilton on 02 6740 2162
     .  Phone Mel McCulloch on 02 6740 2172
     .  Email your views to

Question Title

* 1. Do you live in the Gunnedah Shire?

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* 2. I live in

Question Title

* 3. Are you?

Question Title

* 4. My age is

Question Title

* 5. Do you identify as?

Question Title

* 6. Tick the box(es) that apply to you

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* 7. What type(s) of disability do you, or the person you support, have?

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* 8. Do you agree with this statement? - It is important that we build a community that values the diversity and abilities of all its residents and visitors.

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* 9. As someone (or knowing someone) with a disability, how welcome and included do you feel in the community?

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* 10. Do you require or use any of the following. (Please tick all that apply)

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* 11. Please select any annual community events attended in the Gunnedah Shire in the last four (4) years.

Question Title

* 12. In your opinion, how easy is it for people with disability to find and understand Council information?

  Don't Use Easy Somewhat Easy Not Easy
Council websites (Gunnedah, Visit Gunnedah, Civic Gunnedah)
Council's social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
Gunnedah Shire Business Directory - Localised
Gunnedah Shire Community Directory 
Council brochures, event flyers, posters
Council forms and letters

Question Title

* 13. How can Council better communicate with people with disability and their networks?

Question Title

* 14. What do you think are the biggest barriers or challenges for people with disability in getting around and travelling to services and facilities in our Shire.

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* 15. What do you think are the main barriers to finding work for people with disability?

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* 16. What do you think would change community views and attitudes towards people with disability?

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* 17. What other suggestions do you have for Council to enhance access and cultivate inclusion in our community?  (Leave blank if none)