Proposal Submission Form

CSBA County Board Conference Committee is seeking trailblazing ideas for its 2024 County Board Conference in Monterey, California, Sept. 13 - 15. From April 27 to June 3, we're inviting members from across the state to submit proposals that will spark meaningful conversations and shape the future of public education in California.

Share your expertise during a workshop session: Dive deep into specific themes or challenges featuring practical applications, facilitated discussions, and collaborative learning opportunities.

Question Title

Please enter the email address where you wish to receive your proposal submission confirmation.

Question Title

Presentation Title:
Enter the FULL PRESENTATION TITLE of your submission. This will be used for printing in the final program. (Limit to 50 characters maximum)

Tip: It’s helpful to have a title that’s clear about what topics, techniques, and/or approaches your session will cover. That can help it attract the right audience as well as assist attendees who choose sessions based on the title alone.

Question Title

Presentation Type: (select one)

Question Title

Session Description: (500 characters maximum)
Enter the description for your Presentation. Your description should accurately describe what you intend to present. Be clear and concise in your messaging so that members understand what to expect, and what they will gain from attending this session. Subject to final editing by CSBA.

It should be written to interest CSBA members and reference all of the below:
  • Governance and policy challenges
  • Solutions implemented
  • Results and outcomes for students, schools, and budget implications
  • Replicability/scalability
  • Key takeaways and Call to Actions for our audience

Tip: Remember, conference attendees will be relying on the information you provide here to determine if they want to attend your session, so be descriptive! Be sure to write with the attendee in mind, such as using sentences starting with phrases like "You will...". Your description should paint a picture of the issue your session is addressing.

Question Title

Highlight: (500 characters maximum)
Highlight the board member governance role, policy issues addressed, and budget implications of your topic.

Question Title

Key Takeaways/Call to Action: (300 characters maximum)
What are the top 3 takeaways and Call to Actions for our audience from your session?

Tip: Complete the sentence, "In this session, you will learn…”

Question Title

Supplemental materials:
You may upload up to 2 documents (e.g., brochures, press clippings, project plan) to be included with your proposal submission.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

Acknowledgment for workshops:
CSBA equips all session rooms with a podium microphone, a large screen, an LCD projector, audio projection capabilities, Wi-Fi, and an HDMI cable connection.

Each panel will need to bring their own laptop with presentation materials from each panelist. If you are using audio or video, please embed them in your presentation. In addition, please be sure to bring your laptop charger, and any additional connective devices you may need. If your laptop requires a different connection cord (other than HDMI), please be sure to bring it with you.

Each workshop will allocate 15 mins for Questions & Answers. There is no roaming microphone. No exceptions will be made.