Your views on Creative New Zealand's new strategic direction |
Tihei mauri ora. Ngā manu tīoriori, ngā kaka tarahae, ngā pikinga kōtuku, ngā tōtara whakarangiora, ngā rata whakamarumaru karanga mai karanga mai, karanga mai rā. E tika ana ki a mihihea a tātou mate kua taupae rā ki tua o te wharau. Moe mai rā koutou ki te pō. Ka hoki anō kia tātou e tau nei. Tēnā koutou katoa.
Thank you for participating in today's questionnaire.
Thank you for participating in today's questionnaire.
Creative New Zealand is developing a new strategy to help guide our work over the next four years. Our draft strategic direction is made up of a number of elements, looking at our foundation, our focus and our future.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on the final draft of our strategic direction, and what can be improved.
We’d particularly like to know:
- what emphasis we should place on each of our proposed goals, given our current environment
- any other comments you might have on the final draft strategic direction.
Please give us your feedback by 12 noon on Monday, 21 March 2016.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on the final draft of our strategic direction, and what can be improved.
We’d particularly like to know:
- what emphasis we should place on each of our proposed goals, given our current environment
- any other comments you might have on the final draft strategic direction.
Please give us your feedback by 12 noon on Monday, 21 March 2016.
Before completing this questionnaire, it'll be helpful if you've read the accompanying discussion document. It helps give a better sense of how all the pieces fit together, and the current context around our strategy-setting work.