As the national scrutiny and improvement body for care and social work services in Scotland, the Care Inspectorate has a duty to work towards equality. Putting people at the heart of everything we do and meeting people with fairness and respect are values which underpin all our work.

We are currently reviewing our policies and practices in relation to equality and diversity.  As a public organisation we are bound by the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and subsequent regulations including the Public Sector Equality Duty.  This means that we must have due regard to the need to:

·         Eliminate discrimination, victimisation and harassment;
·         Promote equality of opportunity; and
·         Foster good relations between people who have protected characteristics with those who do not.

In April 2013 we published two documents[1] setting out our approach to equality and to meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty.  Since that time there have been a number of changes across the organisation, including our organisational structure and Corporate Plan.  We are also currently reviewing our inspection methodologies.  As such we are taking the opportunity to review our approach to equality by developing new policies and outcomes and we are seeking your views on how this work should move forward. 

The results of this consultation will be used to inform the development of our new Equality Outcomes.  The results and our response will be published on our website ( within our Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report on 30th April 2015.  If you have any particular queries in relation to this consultation or in relation to our approach to equality, please contact Linda McKenna, Equalities and Engagement Adviser on 01698 897859 or email

[1] Towards Equality  (pdf) 
Equality Outcomes 2013 - 2017 (pdf)