Survey Introduction and Criteria

Tell us your personal story of recovery and courage and you could be part of a future Celebrating Patients event!
Tell us your health story!  If your story is selected, you could be part of a future Celebrating Patients event.

All patients willing to share their stories must be or have been a Mackenzie Health patient at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital during the past five years.

Patients wishing to share their stories as part of a future Celebrating Patients event will be asked to sign a form giving Mackenzie Health consent to publish your personal stories on its website and/or other publications.

We will contact you to arrange for your participation. Some stories may be reserved for future opportunities such as the hospital website and/or publications. 

Please check the following box to confirm your consent and ability to meet the above eligibility criteria: Please check the following box to confirm your consent and ability to meet the above eligibility criteria:

Question Title

* 1. I agree to the above eligibility criteria and agree to give my permission to Mackenzie Health to publish my personal story of my health journey.