1. Introduction

8% of survey complete.
Dear Community Members,

We would like to know what our community needs and wants from its library.

This survey is comprehensive and designed to understand what is important to you on a daily basis. It will gather detailed information on how the Library can best serve you and the community in general. This information will lead to a five year strategic plan that will guide the Library in meeting the needs of our rapidly evolving and growing community.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey closes November 15, 2019

Thank you for helping us shape the future strategic direction of YOUR library. Please contact CCPLIC Director Jody Risacher at jrisacher@cumberland.lib.nc.us, and/or our Library Consultant Dr. Anthony Chow, strategicperformancesystems@gmail.com, if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank You.

Jody Risacher, CCPLIC Director
CCPLIC Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Dr. Anthony Chow, Library Consultant