We invite you to submit your session idea(s) today if you are:

- a seasoned practitioner in governance (such as a board member, academic, leading consultant)
- a governance professional with unique experiences and stories to impart
- a thought leader on new and emerging governance or disruption issues
- a subject matter expert with an interest in sponsoring a session topic

Governance Professionals of Canada (GPC) is developing its Professional Development Calendar and Annual Conference programming for 2020 and we are looking for dynamic and engaging speakers and session topic ideas on new or developing issues.

Session submissions should be trending topics in the realm of governance, new perspectives or updates on current themes that affect governance professionals, their boards or their organizations.

Topics such as: “Current Trends in Governance” need to be drilled down into more specifics or highlight what makes it stand out!

If you are interested in submitting a session proposal, please complete your submission by Friday December 13, 2019.

Any questions, regarding this survey or the selection process, should be directed to: Crystal Singh at crystal.singh@gpcanada.org

Thank you in advance for your time in submitting a proposal. Please note that only proposals selected for session development will be contacted.