Question Title

Please provide your input to help us shape the Metro Budget!

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* Rank your top priorities for Metro by dragging/dropping items or selecting a number from the dropdown menu (1 being highest):

Question Title

* Please rank your top priorities for Better Transit (1 being highest):

  1 2 3 4 5
Reduce wait times
Improve bus routes
Increase safety across system
A better ridership experience / Cleanliness
Expand rail network

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* Please rank your top priorities for Less Congestion (1 being highest):

  1 2 3 4
Traffic Reduction Pilot
Expand ExpressLanes / Highways
Expand RideShare program
Dedicated bus lanes

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* Please rank your top priorities for Complete Streets (1 being highest):

  1 2 3 4 5
Increase coordination with micromobility companies (Lime, Bird, JUMP, Lyft, Wheels)
More bike lanes
Improve pedestrian crossings
More bike amenities (hubs & lockers)
Expand Bike Share program

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* Please rank your top priorities for Access to Opportunity (1 being highest):

  1 2 3
Better mobile and web experience
High density development around transit
Easier reduced fare program

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* What is your primary mode of transit?

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* Who is your primary transit operator?

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* How often do you ride your primary transit operator?

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* What is your Zip Code?

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* Your age:

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* Which of the following includes your annual household income before taxes?

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* Your gender:

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* Your ethnicity:

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* Please enter any additional comments you may have: