
What are the future prospects for regulatory relief, branching, and when the next recession will occur? What impact will the non-traditional digital disruptors have? And what are the long term prospects for the future of banking?

In this survey, we set out to answer these questions and more... with your help! The survey, for bank and credit union executives and directors in the US, is comprised of only 14 multiple choice questions, plus 4 background questions, and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. As a thank you for participating, you'll receive a complimentary report summary of the valuable findings.

CS Consulting Group, the creator of this survey, is partnering with CenterState Bank to collect the results. Be assured that your identity and answers will remain confidential; and the data will be only aggregated for analysis. Thank you for participating and measuring the future pulse of banking executives and directors. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey now.

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* 1. Your type of financial institution?

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* 2. Your asset size?

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* 3. Your position?

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* 4. Your email address? (exclusively for sending survey results/report)

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* 5. Will regulatory relief and a two-tier regulatory system (Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015), as currently discussed, provide you with any meaningful relief from your current regulatory burden?

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* 6. Would you consider shifting from your current charter, to becoming a shadow bank (forgoing some margin,
to relieve the regulatory burden you face)?

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* 7. When do you expect the next recession to begin in the US?

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* 8. Which statement best captures your feeling regarding non-traditional, online-only lenders (e.g., Moven, Lending Club, Prosper, Quicken Loans)?

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* 9. Indicate the impact from the non-traditional digital disruptors (e.g., Moven, Lending Club, Prosper, Quicken
Loans) you anticipate experiencing 5 years from now?

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* 10. How are you preparing for competing against the non-traditional digital disruptors?

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* 11. What changes will you be making to your branch network over the next 24 months?

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* 12. Indicate your customers' current appetite for credit, following the recession:

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* 13. Which statement best represents your forecast of the expected customer/member reaction to the current state of cyber security incidences?

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* 14. Which statement best reflects your sentiment towards bank profitability, competition, technology and regulation over the next five years?

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* 15. Which statement best summarizes your view of the long-term prospects for banking?

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* 16. Which statement best characterizes your feeling on the future conditions of banking?

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* 17. Over the next three years, do you see your margins:

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* 18. What do you see ahead for banking's future?