This application must be completed in one session. Please have the following ready in order to complete the submission: school bio, program description, timeline, and budget narrative. For more information, visit our webpage here.
Submission deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. School/Organization Bio: Please provide a brief description of your school (e.g., size/location, student demographics, educational programming/focus, mission, etc.). If you are a non-profit organization, please describe your organization as well as the students you work with and/or the school(s) you intend to work with.

Question Title

* 3. Is this a Title I school?

Question Title

* 4. Please enter the percentage of students on free and reduced lunch program (e.g. 0%, 50%, etc.):

Question Title

* 5. Program Narrative:
1) Provide a brief description of your program and the planned activities.
2) Describe the need for your program.
3) Describe how the program meets that need.
4) Describe the audience served, including grade level(s), student demographics, and whether this program will reach underserved populations.

Question Title

* 6. Timeline: Please provide a proposed timeline for this program with dates for all activities. 

Question Title

* 7. Budget Narrative:
1) List the supplies, fees, and any materials needed for this program with an estimated cost for each item.
2) Provide the total amount requested from Arizona Humanities.

Question Title

* 8. Your Typed Electronic Signature:

Question Title

* 9. Today's Date:
