Use this express registration form if you have participated in the OAC within the past two years. Otherwise, use the standard auditor registration form.

OAC classes began the week of September 23, but you can still register as an auditor until January 10, 2021. Late auditors are promptly enrolled, and gain access to all previous content and recordings. The OAC has a 3-week break December 21 - January 10, which is a great opportunity to catch up.

Question Title

* 1. Your name and contact information

Question Title

* 2. What year of the OAC are your registering for?

We recommend auditing the OAC 3-Year program classes in sequential order. However, this is no longer a prerequisite and you may audit any OAC class, regardless of what you have audited before. You may also audit more than one class in a given year.

Graduates of the OAC 3-Year or 4-Year graded-student program are welcome to rejoin the OAC as auditors, and qualify for a 50% tuition discount for any OAC course (may not be combined with any other discount).

(If you would like to audit courses in multiple years, please complete this form for each year. ) 

You’ll enter payment info after the survey.

Question Title

* 3. Payment Method
You may pay your tuition fee by credit or debit card after submitting this form. Alternatively, you may pay by check or another method by selecting "Other/Skip Payment" and indicating how you would like to pay. You'll skip the payment screen and the OAC will follow up with you about your payment.

NEW this year! - We are offering OAC tuition discounts of up to 15% to ARI Members. These discounts may not be combined with other OAC tuition discounts, and you must have been a member for at least one year. If you are an ARI Member, select the relevant option and we will send you an invoice for the discounted tuition. (Discount scale: We The Living Members: 5%; The Fountainhead Members: 10%; Atlas Shrugged Members: 15%)

Your registration is not complete until your tuition fee has been paid.

By completing this registration form you agree to the following:

Terms and Conditions
Auditors may participate in live classes, meet one-on-one with faculty during instructor office hours, and access the course recordings, website and assignments. Auditors do not receive grades or other instructor feedback and are ineligible for benefits that graded students receive.

The OAC reserves the right to limit auditor participation in live classes, including excluding auditors from select classes or from portions of classes, in order to preserve the experience for graded students and to protect the privacy of graded students when they are receiving feedback from instructors on their work.

You are bound by the terms of the OAC Handbook, including the Confidentiality Requirement and Code of Conduct, which will be sent to you prior to the start of classes. Violation of these terms may result in disciplinary action including removal from the OAC.

The OAC reserves the right to limit the number of auditors or to decline an auditor registration for any reason. In such instances, tuition refunds will be promptly provided.

We recommend you have read the following books before joining, as knowledge of these books is assumed in OAC classes: The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, The Virtue of Selfishness, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, and Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand.

Tuition Refund Policy - Late Registrations
Those who join the OAC after the start of classes gain access to all previously taught material. Refunds for late registrants are issued according to the following schedule:

Prior to gaining access to course content: 100%, minus any fees incurred by ARI for accepting payment (typically a 2.9% credit card fee.)
During first week: 75%
During second week: 50%
During third week: 25%
After third week: no refund

ARI Policies
You agree to the Ayn Rand Institute's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.